Home activities
We have recently updated our homework policy and this will be added to our policies section of the Federation website shortly. In the meantime we have drawn up a list of suggested home activities which you could do to enhance the provision on offer in each class for each year group. These are activities you may already be enjoying as a family and will compliment and support pupil learning. They are not set to be completed as a compulsary element to school and will not be checked. However, if you feel that you would like to share things your child has done outside of school please bring in photographs and work to share in class or our Celebration Assembly on Friday.
Reception and Year 1
Here are the activities which we feel would support learning for pupils in Class 1.
Years 2 and 3
Activities for Years 2!
Years 4 and 5
These activities build upon previous learning and are appropriate for Years 4 and 5.
Year 6
Please see the link below for activities appropriate for Year 6 pupils.
In preparation for SATS for our Year 6 pupils may be set specific homework tasks which will support pupils in securing their knowledge for the end of Key Stage t2 tests and the wording of the questions they will encounter. If you have any questions please come into speak to your child's class teacher.